He's bicycle I can't believe it
He's bicycle I can't believe it
I like how this had a downer ending, but it didn't feel... forced? Is that the word I'm looking for? But yeah, it's a bit sad, but less devastating and more of a reflection of our bleak reality. I like it.
As for the style, It's very charming and childrens' book-esque. One detail that stood out to me were how the line weights double as a bit of shading. Very cool!
The animation is pretty great for a shitpost. Almost too good lol
objectively 1894
I can never scrape the wax out of my ears the same again. Thanks :-D
This is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen
The best part was EDN
"There is only one solution... an exorcism."
"Ah, fuck."
Awesome retroscripting (at least I think that's what it is)!
Wh- Usually white?
I am cringe but I am free
Age 21, Female
War Criminal
Joined on 6/14/18